Adding Trusted Sites

Trusted Public IP addresses must be configured for allowing NAT translated internal IP addresses for all site locations..

To add Trusted sites:
1. In the Service portal Navigation pane, open the Trusted IPs page (Configuration > LBR Network Topology > Trusted IPs).

The following screen displays the default entry Trusted IP Address set by AudioCodes LiveCloud created when during the Onboarding wizard, the default M365 Location-Based routing script was applied. This entry may be a preconfigured customer value or otherwise an example entry. It cannot be edited (only deleted or the subnet mask may be modified).

2. Select the default entry and double-click it.

3. In the Network Range field, update the subnet mask as required.
To add a new record:
1. Click Add New Record to add a new Trusted IP site.

2. Enter the Public IP address of the site, a short description and the Network Range (subnet mask) and then click Update.

The new site is added.

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